Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prayer Greedy

My mom being the amazing woman she is will probably get ticked that I'm writing about her on Dads blog however I think it's necessary this morning. 

Mike and I were talking last night and he said something that sort of took me by surprise. He said, "Babe your folks are some of the nicest people I've ever met. I love them so much." I know this about my parents but for someone else to see just how amazing they are made me proud. It was like a mom watching her baby get the award they deserve. 

Moving on to my mom...there's a lot that she won't tell you. She doesn't want the sympathy and she doesn't want prayers for herself. She wants the prayers for dad because she thinks that he needs them more than she does. Maybe she's right. I've never heard of being prayer greedy but I guess that's what I'm about to be. 

You see, my mom is fighting stage 4 lung cancer. It started a few years ago when she was diagnosed with cancer on her Fallopian tube. Then it metastisized into her lungs. It's living happily there now. 

She found out that she had lung cancer 2 weeks after she quit smoking. Almost a 50 year habit and she quit. Even after the diagnosis came in she still didn't start back. My mom has gone through 2 rounds of chemo. Her last ended in August. The oncologist told her that since her cancer had shrunk it was ok to stop the chemo. They would watch her lungs through cat scans and blood tests. 

She had a 3 month mark cat scan and her cancer had grown ever so slightly. Her oncologist said we'll wait to see what happens on your December cat scan. If it grows more we might have to start chemo again. 

My mom in the past few days has had to start using her oxygen 24/7 again. She's getting winded quicker than she was. She confessed to me last night that she didn't have a good feeling about the upcoming cat scan. I've watched her breathe and I've seen her struggle. While I'm hoping for the best I'm sort of bracing myself for the worst. 

Then came the big question of what if she has to go back on chemo? Who will get her there? Luckily Mike is working a job where he can ask for a certain day of the week off. If that doesn't work than she can schedule it so that I can drop her off before I go to work and pick her up when I get off of work. 

Granted nobody wants to think about all of this stuff but it's now necessary. So I guess this is the long drawn out way to ask for prayers for my mom too. She'd never ask for them for herself. It's just not her. I see the fear in her eyes about dad, I see the fear in her eyes about herself. All I can do is pray for them and promise to be there when they need something, and ask for prayers for them even if they won't ask for themselves. 

I've talked about my dad being fiesty and my mom is the same way. They have to be with all that is plaguing them right now. So at the risk of being 'prayer greedy' could you throw my Mom's name in there somewhere when you pray for my dad too? I'd really appreciate it. Let's face it if you don't, I won't know anyhow ;). ~Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Lots of prayers for you, your parents, and the entire family. This affects you all. I know God has plenty of room on his lap to hug you all. Love, Aunt J oxoxox
