Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Ok so this is the 3rd time I've started this specific blog update. Nothing is coming out right. I don't know why but it's just not. Here's the short of it all. 

Mom spent 1/2 of the day out of bed today. It was nice to see. She went back to bed around 1pm. Mike grilled out & we took dinner down around 7 pm. Mom was in bed & had been since 1. She was worn out from this morning. Tonight I made dad's plate, the babies plates, & my plate. Then I headed back to mom's room w/ Mike & Kaitlyn in tow. We all sat around mom & had dinner with her. As of right now she can only handle soft foods since her mouth is sore from the chemo treatments. This is a known side effect. 

I loathe eating in bed, but we did it. Mike brought her computer chair out & ate at the end of her bed. Kaitlyn & I sat on dad's bed and ate. We chatted just like this was completely normal for us. Normalcy, that's what is so desperately needed. None of this is normal right now. 

While we were chatting with mom, Mike crawled up & laid in bed with mom. It was quite possibly the sweetest thing ever. Mom looked completely comforted by him. Without a doubt, we are so lucky to have him in our lives. He has been nothing but supportive of all of us during this time. Sometimes I forget that he's going through this just as we are. He is not only my rock, but my folks' rock too. He has an unbelievable amount of compassion. More than anyone I've ever known I think. I digress.. (Lord only knows I could go on for hours about Mike)

Right before we were getting ready to leave mom asked for a bowl of ice cream. I took her her ice cream. I asked if it made her mouth feel better. It does. I don't know why I asked, I just did. Dad was in the shower so I just hollered through the door that I loved him & I would see him tomorrow morning. I peeked my head around mom's bedroom door & said, "Sorry, I'm not hugging him.. that's awkward!" LOL! She laughed. 

Tomorrow morning will be emotionally draining. We're meeting with the oncologist. My dad, my mom, & I. We have questions and we want answers. Granted mom is done, but we want to know how long she has left, what we need to expect, etc. We don't want some "Oh I have millions of chemos left to try." We are looking for brutal honesty. We need that right now. How are we to make an informed decision if he tippy toes & gives us a bunch of empty answers or worse yet empty hope & promises? 

This was how mom's day went today. Tomorrow there will be another blog on the doctor's appointment with all the information that we are requesting, hopefully. 

To Our Service Men & Women--Thank You from the bottom of our hearts. We appreciate all you do & have done to keep us safe. 


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