Saturday, January 8, 2011



Yesterday while you were just waking up, I had been awake for hours thinking about my mom.

Yesterday while you were getting ready for work, I was trying to build the strength to go see her.

Yesterday while you were dropping the kids off at daycare, My folks were already in the Cancer center & being told what reactions & side effects she COULD have from chemo this time.

Yesterday while you were starting your day at work, I managed to eat something before going there.

Yesterday while you were busy at work, I started my drive to the Cancer center.

Yesterday while you were having your morning break, I walked into a full Cancer Center.

Yesterday while you were discussing the latest shows by the water cooler, I was watching 14 people be infused with IV chemicals that will hopefully save their life.

Yesterday while you were waiting for lunch, I watched my mom get pumped with Doxil.

Yesterday while you were heading to lunch, I watched my mom have a reaction to Doxil.

Yesterday while you were eating your lunch, I saw 3 nurses surround my mom and try to figure out why her body was having a reaction to the Red Devil.

Yesterday while you were coming back from lunch, I saw them pump her full of antihistimines to force her body to take this chemical.

Yesterday while you were hitting the mid day lull, I was finally able to leave and get my folks some lunch.

Yesterday while you were dreaming of getting off of work, I watched 4 people leave freshly infused with chemicals.

Yesterday while you were on your drive home from work, I saw my mom start to sweat and get pale.

Yesterday while you were stuck in traffic, I saw my mom finish her first dose of Red Death.

Yesterday while you greeted your family, I helped my mom to the car so she could go home and crash.

Yesterday while you were making dinner, I took my mom home and helped her get in the house.

This morning while you are still sleeping, worn out from your work week, I am awake awaiting a phone call to see how my mom did last night.

Today I will be praying for my mom's health to improve although I know it won't.

Today I will be praying that the chemo doesn't make her sick.

Today I will be having family pictures taken, all the while hoping that these aren't our last family pictures.

As much as I'd love to ask if you'd like to trade days & lives, I won't. I'm meant to live this life because quite frankly, few could handle this.

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