Thursday, April 21, 2011

Frustration Level has hit it's Peak.

If we could find a doctor who HASN'T LOST their compassion somewhere between medical school & actually practicing medicine we might be ok. Until then, more suffering. More suffering for my dad. More suffering for us, as a family, watching him sleep his life away. I have hardly ANYTHING nice to say about 2 doctors. I'm lividly upset. I'm German, me being upset is NOT a good thing!

A week & a 1/2 ago or so we got some amazingly good news! Dad's Tumor had grown. For most this would be devastating. For us, it was GREAT news! Maybe they'll listen!! Say it with me.. TAKE THE TUMOR OUT! That's what we NEED to happen! He was set up with a new doctor. Dr. Sibley.. or something like that. Yesterday he still had an appointment with Dr. Li (neurologist) & Dr. Murphy (heart Dr.). Julie went with him guns blazing because when my folks were at the psychiatrists office he said, "THIS IS NOT STRESS!" (Finally! someone else who agrees!) She showed her Dr. Paturi's report. There, in the report, it said, "Dad needs to be admitted to a behavioral facility." WHAT?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's NOT WHAT HE SAID TO US!!! He said, "It's not stress!" NOW he's recommending that dad be admitted?!?! NO! NO! NO! To top all of this off, Dr. Li said, "His tumor has NOT grown, it could be a shadow, see you in July."

I'm livid. *insert a TON of expletives.*, *insert more expletives*. Ok that should be good. BIIIIG DEEP BREATH!!! How can a doctor explicitly tell the family ONE THING & then write the complete opposite on their report? It makes no sense. My dad, feels defeated. Like the air was taken from his sails. Here, for the past week we had hope again. Hope that they could FIX this. That they could FIX him. Make him better!! Do anything to take his suffering away. That is exactly what he is doing, he's suffering. Now we're told no. Dr. Jani was wrong, everyone is wrong but Dr. Li.. BS! I can't stand her! I really can't.

Dad then had an appointment with Dr. Murphy (heart Dr.). Dr Murphy said, "DO NOT LET THEM TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER GET THAT TUMOR OUT!!!" Ok wait, what? Really? It's like having a bunch of divorced couples in a room. They don't agree on ANYTHING! The ones that agree with us, can't take his tumor out. The ones that don't agree with us (thus far) could.

This is past frustrating. My dad is suffering. None of the doctors care. They don't care enough to find out what the problem is. We've been begging for 6 months, please, just take this tumor out. They refuse. We have insurance.. *waives the insurance card in the air*. Please. Anything. make my dad ok. They refuse. It's like being spit on every time dad leaves the doctor discouraged. My dad is a great man. He is so loving, you should see him on any Hallmark Holiday.. he gets my mom 2-3-4-5 cards because he can't choose just one. He's an awesome daddy. You should see him with my kids. He loves them so much. Yet none of this matters to the doctors. It's not THEIR dad, It's not THEIR papa, It's not THEIR husband, therefor they sleep fine at night while I question if my dad will make it through the night.

Until we find out more on the 29th.. Lisa.

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