Wishing I had uber wonderful news however I don't know if I really do or not.
Here's the deal.. mom is taking her new chemo & she's now going to Bloomington to do it. This is wonderful news! I hated Pontiac & obviously my mom did too! I feel safer with her in Bloomington. If something were to go awry during a treatment ALL of her specialists are in Bloomington. Bloomington is just a better deal! She's doing ok on her chemo. Tired, but hanging in there. Since Mike is working A LOT she's being more independent since I'm not 100% available anymore. In a way this is good & in a way I'm carrying a lot of guilt over it as well. I think of all the stuff that she does in a day & then think to myself you could've, should've done this this & this. I don't want to take what little independence away that she has though. So for now, Mom's blood counts look good, her chemo is doing well, she still has her hair & is just as beautiful as ever!
Now moving on to dad. He was cleared by his counselor after 5 weeks. This shoots the theory of it being mental all to hell and back because guess what?!?! He's NOT ANY BETTER! He's actually getting worse. One of his doctor's put him on a pulse ox monitor for 24 hours. I went to give my dad a hug & noticed the numbers on it... 94, 95, 96 occassionally. That means that his saturation level is pretty low considering the man has NEVER smoked a day in his life! It should be 100%! It's not. I said, "Daddy why are you having such a low number?" He said, "That actually is really good because it was 92-93%." I stop and think... this isn't right. I'm wondering if he doesn't have something going on with his lungs. IMO I think that they need to do a torso Cat Scan or MRI. Check his lungs, his heart (again), and all of his innards. Around midnight with his cpap (he has sleep apnea) he wakes up, gasping for air. He has to take his cpap off. He says that he feels worse with it on than off! They've even adjusted it and still nadda.
Lack of 02 can cause ALL of his symptoms! Think about it! Hold your breath for a little bit.. oh say 3 minutes.. if you're not passed out on the floor, try walking and talking, keep your balance and don't stutter! This makes sense to me. He gets winded easily. I told mom to force a nose cannula or mask on him w/ her oxygen. Just see if it makes him feel better!
We're awaiting his next appointment which is this week! I think it's just with the regular doctor. They are trying to get him into Iowa. Get him in, I'll take him. I don't care. Make my folks ok.
This is the update from here! Things are sort of looking up I think.
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