Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today was an ok day for dad. Mom called me around 7:15 this morning and of course seeing their number that early flipped me out a little bit. I answered & mom asked if I felt like going to Wal-Mart. I asked Now? I can think of 100 other places I'd rather be instead of Wal-Mart at 7:30 in the morning. (except for Black Friday ;). I told her that I'd have to get the kids dressed and I'd be down.

Dad and I were off to Wal-Mart by 7:30. He did pretty good for the first 15-20 minutes we were there & then you could see him getting tired. Even with him pushing the shopping cart he was stumbling a little bit. As we were checking out he stumbled a little bit more. I asked if he was ok & he told me yes. It was an obvious lie BUT I understand why. We had my oldest with us. He didn't & doesn't really want her to know when he's feeling really bad. We checked out & headed home.

He stayed up for a little bit once we were home & then went and laid down. He said that he got up about an hour after he laid down and that he felt terrible so he went back in & laid back down again. He's dealing with a lot of dizziness & light headedness. He said that he was stumbling all over after he got up the first time.

Mike, I & the 2 youngest went down and had dinner with them tonight. Dad ate well & then had cake after dinner. I stood at the counter and talked to him for a while to see how he thought his day went. He shrugged & said that it was ok. That he had just been really light headed, dizzy and this afternoon he had a headache. He stuttered on a few words but not as bad as normal. His memory is fading a little bit. He asked if I'd go get his lotto tickets tonight & I told him that we stopped at Casey's this morning and picked them up already. He had no recollection of it.

All in all I think today was a good day for him. He got to see the kids, he laughed, and he ate well. I hope that he sleeps well tonight & I'll be back down there in the morning to see how he is.

5 days and counting until his MRA & 10 days until his EEG!

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